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 7 Farwell Avenue, Cumberland, ME

VIDEO: Hamstring strengthening exercise–resisted (Phase 2)

VIDEO: Hamstring strengthening exercise–resisted (Phase 2)

This novel hamstring strengthening exercise is excellent as an injury prevention activity or for use during rehabilitation following a hamstring or adductor strain. This can also be used in a team setting to supplement the Nordic hamstring with a teammate providing resistance to the back heel vs using a resistance band.

This novel hamstring strengthening exercise is excellent as an injury prevention activity or for use during rehabilitation following a hamstring or adductor strain. This can also be used in a team setting to supplement the Nordic hamstring with a teammate providing resistance to the back heel vs using a resistance band.

VIDEO: Hamstring strengthening exercise–unresisted (Phase 1)

VIDEO: Hamstring strengthening exercise–unresisted (Phase 1)

VIDEO: Single leg Romanian deadlift with KB--variation

VIDEO: Single leg Romanian deadlift with KB--variation