“Working with Michael has deeply transformed my music-making and teaching practices. As a flutist, his guidance has helped me develop a more grounded relationship with the floor, fostering a deeper connection between movement and sound.Most importantly, what I am learning from Michael is invaluable in supporting my musculoskeletal health, vital for a long and sustainable career in music.
“Michael is a rare talent. His ability to take highly technical concepts and apply them to the team setting has been a game changer for us. With his guidance we’ve made a number of modifications to our warm up and corrective strategies which have helped us to be one of the healthiest* teams in the NFL this year. I cannot recommend him highly enough. “*2nd fewest man games lost due to injury (www.mangameslost.com) - Dave Puloka / Head of Performance Training, Miami Dolphins
My top three reasons Micheal Mullin is someone you should learn from or be treated by:
1) He is genuine in his interactions. Michael selflessly gives his time to improve my own understanding and problem solve issues with athletes.
2) His understanding of the body is a tool box 100 feet wide and 100 feet deep. Michael's understanding not only has great depth, but his experience with so many different perspectives in the health and fitness industry allows him to have a broad understanding and view of movement. This attribute is very helpful to me as a professional looking for help but also to his clients needing help.
3) He is ambitiously seeking to improve himself. Michael's drive to improve himself in order to offer more to his clients and better mentorship to professionals benefits anyone working with him.
Ty Terrell / Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach, Atlanta Hawks
"Michael is a great individual I have come to know both personally and professionally. Michael’s humble demeanor and enthusiasm to help others fits right in with the local Portland culture, which translates to his holistic approach to his practice. His open-mindedness and his own personal endeavors from previous job opportunities affords him the opportunity to view the training and rehabilitation process differently that can benefit both clients and aspiring professionals. My experiences with Michael have influenced some changes I have made in my own personal life and also with certain players within the professional teams I've worked with. Without a question Michael is on my favorite people list." - Adam Loiacono, DPT, CSCS / Director of Rehabilitation, Phoenix Suns / Former Fitness Coach, New England Revolution (MLS)
“Michael has been an important part of my professional network for many years now. We've brought him in to our facility for staff in-services, and also sent him referrals for rehabilitation in the Southern Maine area. Universally, the feedback has been outstanding! I don't hesitate to give him my full endorsement.” - Eric Cressey / President, Cressey Sports Performance - Hudson, MA & Jupiter, FL
"Michael Mullin is an excellent teacher who has been really helpful to our staff at MBSC. His ability to both teach and to learn makes him an outstanding clinician." - Mike Boyle / Founder and Owner, Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning – Woburn, MA
“Michael is quite simply one of the most intelligent and skilled clinicians that I have ever met. As someone who has recruited him to teach the students in our program and entrusted my own children to his care, I cannot say enough about his level of professionalism, his commitment to lifelong learning, and his passion for his work.” - Wayne Lamarre, Med, LAT, ATC / Clinical Professor and Director of Athletic Training Program / University of New England