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 7 Farwell Avenue, Cumberland, ME

VIDEO: Big three reset--controlling the ribs and the airflow

VIDEO: Big three reset--controlling the ribs and the airflow

This video demonstrates a nice little activity to be done between bench press sets--or any of the Big Three--to keep some things from getting too over-engaged. One doesn't need to be lifting heavy to still need an airflow check, abds, and proper "pushers" on, while keeping back extensors and hip flexors in check....

This video demonstrates a nice little activity to be done between bench press sets--or any of the Big Three--to keep some things from getting too over-engaged. One doesn't need to be lifting heavy to still need an airflow check, abds, and proper "pushers" on, while keeping back extensors and hip flexors in check.

VIDEO: Single leg Romanian deadlift with KB--variation

VIDEO: Single leg Romanian deadlift with KB--variation

VIDEO: Part I–Dynamic valgus s/p ACL reconstruction--out of control

VIDEO: Part I–Dynamic valgus s/p ACL reconstruction--out of control