Seeing clients at:
 7 Farwell Avenue, Cumberland, ME

VIDEO: Part I–Dynamic valgus s/p ACL reconstruction--out of control

VIDEO: Part I–Dynamic valgus s/p ACL reconstruction--out of control

14 weeks s/p ACL reconstruction. In for functional assessment of progress having gone elsewhere for PT. Marked weakness on involved side and significant dynamic valgus loading on contralateral side. Represents poor supervision of PT and no integration for proximal control.

14 weeks s/p ACL reconstruction. In for functional assessment of progress having gone elsewhere for PT. Marked weakness on involved side and significant dynamic valgus loading on contralateral side. Represents poor supervision of PT and no integration for proximal control.

VIDEO: Big three reset--controlling the ribs and the airflow

VIDEO: Big three reset--controlling the ribs and the airflow

VIDEO: Part II–Dynamic valgus s/p ACL reconstruction--under control

VIDEO: Part II–Dynamic valgus s/p ACL reconstruction--under control