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The Tri-Planar Extension Activity (T-PEA)

The Tri-Planar Extension Activity (T-PEA)

T-PEA considerations:

o   Assesses the ability to maintain positional control of the trunk while the alternating legs extend and alternating arms flex overhead.

o   Can ventilatory mechanics and respiratory position be maintained during an activity which will challenge that mechanism.

o   Assesses mid- to upper thoracic frontal plane control with appendicular movements which bring the trunk towards extension.

o   Stages 3 & 4 in each Phase is a corrective activity, helps assess for control of multiple planes of motion, and is challenging to maintain position.

T-PEA application:

o   Phase 1 is on elbows and knees, Phase 2 is on elbows and toes, Phases 3 & 4 are on hands and toes. 

o   Feet vertical with each Phase up on toes with equal weight on each leg.

o   Encouraging pushing straight up through elbows or arms on the ground in Stages 3 & 4 in each Phase is critical. 

o   Stages 3 & 4 in Phases 3 & 4 should have as little lateral shift of weight as possible to lift opposite arm and leg.

  • ·Phase 1: Forearms and knees, forearms at 90 degrees, humerus vertical, knees bent 90 degrees—best to set-up in plank position on forearms and toes with vertical humerus and heels, bend knees to the ground, press straight up through forearms and elbows:

    • Stage 1: Lift and lower bent leg while exhaling without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 2: Lift and lower bent leg to the plane of the body while exhaling without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 3: Lift bent leg while exhaling without losing position and hold for 2-3 full breaths

    • Stage 4: Lift bent leg to the plane of the body while exhaling without losing position and hold for 2-3 fuller breaths

  • Phase 2: Forearms and toes, forearms at 90 degrees, humerus and heels vertical, press straight up through forearms and elbows:

    • Stage 1: Lift and lower straight leg to the plane of the body while exhaling without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 2: Lift and lower bent leg to the plane of the body while exhaling without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 3: Lift straight leg to the plane of the body while exhaling without losing position and hold for 2-3 fuller breaths, alternate

    • Stage 4: Lift bent leg to the plane of the body without losing position and hold for 2-3 full breaths, alternate

The following video discusses and demonstrates the mechanics of the first Phases:


  • Phase 3: Hands and toes, nose at the level of the fingers, push-up position, heels vertical, press straight up through arms:

    • Stage 1: Lift and lower one straight leg without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 2: Lift one arm up at an angle with as limited lateral shift as possible, then lower, without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 3: Lift one leg towards the plane of the body, without losing position, and hold for 2-3 breaths, alternate

    • Stage 4: Being able to lift one arm at an angle towards the plane of the body, with as limited lateral shift as possible, without losing position, and hold for 2-3 fuller breaths, alternate

  • Phase 4: Hands and toes, nose at the level of the fingers, push-up position, heels vertical, press straight up through arms:

    • Stage 1: Lift and lower one bent leg while exhaling without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 2: Lift one bent leg towards the plane of the body while exhaling, and lower, without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 3: Lift one hand at an angle and opposite bent leg while exhaling, with as limited lateral shift as possible, without losing position, alternate

    • Stage 4: Lift one hand at an angle and opposite bent leg, with as limited lateral shift as possible, and hold for 2-3 fuller breaths without losing position, alternate

The following video reviews the mechanics of the next Phases of this assessment: 

Dynamic warm-up sequence

Dynamic warm-up sequence

The Rehab/Training Chef

The Rehab/Training Chef