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 7 Farwell Avenue, Cumberland, ME

VIDEO: PRI Supine Weighted Punch with Right Apical Expansion

VIDEO: PRI Supine Weighted Punch with Right Apical Expansion

PRI technique you're likely not using enough. Awesome activity that really helps with thoracic airflow position and control. Often needs to be done for at least 5 breaths before they groove the mechanics and get things lined up. Great for maintaining and helping achieve a Zone of Apposition.

PRI technique you're likely not using enough. Awesome activity that really helps with thoracic airflow position and control. Often needs to be done for at least 5 breaths before they groove the mechanics and get things lined up. Great for maintaining and helping achieve a Zone of Apposition.

VIDEO: Considerations when performing the Hruska Adduction Drop test

VIDEO: Considerations when performing the Hruska Adduction Drop test

VIDEO: PRI-based positioning activity

VIDEO: PRI-based positioning activity